Plan a pathway forWARD

When you’re experiencing conflict, being able to communicate effectively is so important. It sounds simple, but it can be extremely difficult. At MEDE8 Resolutions, we specialise in Gold Coast Family Mediation. Our specially-trained accredited mediator can help you keep the lines of communication open, allowing you to come to a mutually-agreed resolution with the other person. Providing a safe, supported environment to discuss all the issues and find common ground, giving you the opportunity to plan a pathway for the future.


Stay in control of the outcome

MEDE8 Resolutions will guide you through the mediation process, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to have their say and be heard. The mediation process is designed to help you stay focused on the main issues and be creative in designing your own solutions. Find out more about our Gold Coast Family Mediation services.


Separating from your partner can be an intensely stressful time. Communication is often the first thing to suffer. Ongoing hostility makes listening difficult; and understanding each other’s perspective regarding parenting arrangements or financial matters can seem virtually impossible without professional help. We believe it is possible to find a resolution – even during the most painful separation or divorce – and we’re here to help.


build positive new lives

MEDE8 Resolutions offers accredited Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) mediation, which is a legal requirement prior to applying to the court for parenting orders. Our Accredited FDR Practitioner will assist both parties in overcoming any anxiety, frustration or anger in this process and help the parties move forward.  If you’re unsure of what to do next, please contact us. We offer Gold Coast Family Mediation clients a pre-mediation conference to determine whether mediation/FDR is the right pathway for you.